The following table shows the differences between 'Csharp' and 'Java'
Java | C# | |
1 | "Java" is a trademark of Oracle (formerly Sun Microsystems ) | "C#" is a trademark of Microsoft Company. |
2 | Java is influenced by C++ | C# is enhanced version of C++ |
3 | Java language is designed to run on Java Runtime Environment (JRE). | C sharp programming language is designed to run on Common Language Runtime (CLR) |
4 | Java is “Platform Independent” | C# is “Platform dependent” |
5 | There are plenty of IDEs for Java, both free (e.g. Eclipse, NetBeans) and commercial (e.g. IntelliJ IDEA) | But in C sharp only licensed version e.g. Microsoft Visual Studio |
6 | In Java the return type of main () method is void. | In C sharp the return type of main () method is void or int. |
7 | Java supports constructors only. | C sharp supports both constructors and destructors. |
8 | Java doesn’t support unsigned integers but support for signed integers. | C sharp supports unsigned integers as well as signed integers. |
9 | Java doesn’t support pointers. | C sharp support pointers. |
10 | Soft references: Yes | Soft references: No |
11 | Data Access Methods: public, package, protected, private | Data Access Methods: public, internal, protected, private, protected internal |
12 | No support for partial classes. | Support for partial classes. |
13 | Java doesn’t support for operator overloading. | C sharp supports for operator and conversion overloading. |
14 | Java supports package hierarchical structure that reflects the directory hierarchical structure. | Java supports namespace that do not reflect the directory hierarchical structure. |
15 | Java supports super keyword. | C sharp supports base keyword which is replaced by super keyword. |
16 | Java supports checked exceptions for better enforcement of error trapping and handling. | C sharp doesn’t support checked exceptions. |
17 | Java doesn’t include delegates. | C# includes delegates. |
18 | Java doesn’t include struct. | C# includes struct. |
19 | Standard output: System.out.println(“Welcome to java”); | Standard output: Console.WriteLine(“Welcome to C sharp”); |
20 | Constant variables are declared using final keyword. | Constant variables are declared using const keyword. |
21 | In java, All methods are by default virtual and you can override them. | In C sharp, All methods are by default non - virtual and you can not override them. |
22 | Support for anonymous inner classes. | No support for anonymous inner classes. |
23 | Java has no preprocessor directives. | C sharp has preprocessor directives (#define, #if etc). |
24 | Multidimensional arrays only in the form of arrays of arrays (also known as "jagged" arrays); Java does not have true rectangular multidimensional arrays. | True multidimensional "rectangular" arrays, as well as arrays of arrays (jagged arrays). |
25 | Reflection cannot be used to construct new generic realizations. | Reflection can be used to create new realizations for new combinations of type parameters. |
26 | Static members are shared across all generic realizations. | Static members are separate for each generic realization. |
27 | Java doesn’t have expression tree. | C sharp have expression tree. |
28 | Java doesn't have LINQ | C sharp has LINQ(Language Integrated Query) |
29 | Java is proprietary, though largely controlled through an open community process. | C sharp is defined by ECMA and ISO standards. |
30 | Java API is managed through an open community process. | C sharp API is completely controlled by Microsoft. |
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